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       # 2023-09-03 - What Is Love?
       An online friend included this coloring book in his collection of
       e-books.  I found it a charming read.  For some reason it reminds me
       of a line from a song i heard:
       "Everybody's beautiful in the eyes of the loving one."
       The main character is a "wise" boy who is on a quest to find out what
       love is.  He is given many well-meaning definitions by different
       people, but he is not satisfied with any of them.  It occurs to me
       that they are all conditional and they are all verbal.
       I won't spoil how his quest turns out.  It's a quick 5 minute read.
       You can find out for yourself.
       author: Rueckart, Carla and Bowman, Mary Ann
 (HTM) detail: https://www.llresearch.org/history
 (HTM) source: https://www.llresearch.org/library/what-is-love
       tags:   ebook,counterculture,graphic novel
       title:  What Is Love
       # Tags
 (DIR) ebook
 (DIR) counterculture
 (DIR) graphic novel