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       # 2024-02-10 - Dear White Men, From An Indigenous Woman by Pulxaneeks
       Today i listened to an interview with Pulxaneeks on The Mythic
       Masculine podcast [1].  Several times i wished the interviewer would
       stop talking and give Pulxaneeks more time.  I found her easy to
       listen to, and insightful in her analysis of history and present day
       Pulxaneeks basically found herself having the same conversations over
       and over again with sympathetic white people.  She kept wishing she
       could get them all in the same room together so she would only have
       to say it once, or better yet, get these people to talk with each
       other.  This turned out to be a calling.
       Below are notes that i took while listening to this episode.
       Decolonization = Returning to being human again.  Returning to your
       own humanity and being connected to your purpose, the earth, and
       other humans.
       White men's role in decolonization is unpacking your own whiteness
       and coming to terms with not being prioritized, not being the most
       important person in the room when you walk in, and stop playing God.
       She would like to see white men having conversations with each other
       about it.
       As she has reconnected more with her indigenous roots, she has become
       vigilant about her own safety.  For some white men she has to pretend
       to be white for THEIR convenience.  They are not okay with her being
       too indigenous.  The "whiter" they are, the more "not okay" they are
       with her being openly indigenous.  One thing that makes white men
       uncomfortable is that she "makes them feel things" just by being who
       she is.  It challenges them to look at their own whiteness because of
       how she presents in contrast.  Their bubble is burst by her simply
       being who she is.
       The question she poses to white men is: What are you here to give?
       That is right use of privilege.  You are an uninvited guest on
       indigenous land, so what is it that makes your presence here worthy?
       Looking at whiteness in general is the essential step toward right
       relation.  The more that you can do that inner work on your own time,
       the better.  Otherwise, you will have harmful impact from your
       unconscious relationship with your own whiteness.
       Feel the things on your own time, with your own people first.  THEN
       show up in a more clear, grounded, and productive way.
       Learn what triggers you.  How you behave when you are triggered.  How
       you get through it.  Basic self-awareness.
       Show up in action.  Know your place.  Tune into the feelings of
       indigenous people and people of color around you.  Identify who the
       matriarch is.  Be clear what it is that you are offering and
       communicate that to the right people.
 (HTM) Dear White Men, From An Indigenous Woman
       tags: native-american,notes,podcast
       # Tags
 (DIR) native-american
 (DIR) notes
 (DIR) podcast