# Medieval
       ## Recipes in this category:
 (TXT) A Grete Pye
 (TXT) Casserole Apicius with Meat or Fish
 (TXT) Charlet (Pork Hash with Egg)
 (TXT) Chawetty's (15th Century Meat Pie)
 (TXT) Chicken Liver Paté 2
 (TXT) Cockentrice (a Marvelous Beast)
 (TXT) Cream Custard Tart
 (TXT) Fig and Raisin 'Cream'
 (TXT) Ginger Bread (Medieval/elizabethan)
 (TXT) Henne Dorre (Golden Cardamom Chicken)
 (TXT) Introduction to Medieval Recipes
 (TXT) Maids of Honour Cakes
 (TXT) Medieval Italian Stew (Pie in a Pipkin)
 (TXT) Menu for Medieval Christmas Dinner***fjvs25a
 (TXT) Noumbles
 (TXT) Pike in Galentyne
 (TXT) Poached Fowl and Bacon with 'Pudding'
 (TXT) Rapes in Potage
 (TXT) Tart De Brymlent (a Medieval Lenten Tart)
 (TXT) Tornep with Chestenne
 (DIR) ASCII-only view of this category
       ## See also:
 (DIR) SEARCH: "medieval" recipes not in this category