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        This is a multiple choice flash card game to test your knowledge
        of various world capitals (source: Wikipedia).
        Play by yourself, or take turns competing against friends or your
        neighbor's 5 year old (to take them down a peg).
        The rules are whatever you make it.
         For example, choose to stop at only 10 questions.
         Or play a speed test to see how many right answers in 5 minutes.
         Or inflict self-torture, and keep flashing questions until your
         brain feels like mush...   You choose.
 (DIR) Ready?  Start a game...
         This is a simple game based on the honor system and the players'
         intent to gain knowledge; there is no data or state being saved.
         There are no attempts at anti-cheat or such in place. Feel free
         to "game" the system if it makes you feel better.
         Scores can be ignored and disregarded as meaningless if desired.
         Also since there is no history being physically stored, repeats
         may be possible during a session.
         Users are encouraged to play at their own leisurely pace.