---------------------------------------- lobsters lobsters everywhere July 19th, 2018 ---------------------------------------- re: my post about links.tildeverse.org and it running the same rails codebase as lobste.rs i've been {lurk,idl}ing in #lobsters on freenode since i started having some troubles with the configuration and setup. finally spoke up there today about getting this instance up and running and they promptly added us to the wiki on their github repo (https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters/wiki) as a sister site. i also spoke to the owner of mockturtle, the bot that hangs out in #lobsters and sends updates whenever there is a new post submitted. the bot is currently configured with an email subscription to updates (from the rails app), from which it parses the title, info, and submitter, then posts an update to the channel. i'd like to open up the notification code in lobsters and add an irc hook so that i don't need to resort to parsing emails. he was also planning on open-sourcing the code for mockturtle into their ansible repo, so that might be an option if i don't find the time to fork and mod lobsters. also ran into ~eeeeeta (from town) and doug (from all the places) and finally procured myself an invite to the main lobste.rs site. i thought i had an account but it turns out that i did not. lots of cool things coming down the pipes for us tilde lobsters!