= Failed interview As I wrote before, I want to find a job as a Ruby developer, but for some reasons that I don't understand, I applied as a frontend dev in some company, and yesterday I had a tech interview. In short, I sucked. It was my first interview for such position, and I felt myself horrible and nervous. In addition, I discovered a lot of things that I don't know in JS, because I never used them in my daily work. I gave incorrect answers to event loop questions. In some tasks, I was constantly forgetting to return value from functions (yet I solved them all, but with the help from the interviewer in one task). In a Vue task, I was trying to modify prop. This is the thing that almost every Vue developer knows (and me too), but, I really tried to do this during the interview. I don't know how that happened. Right now I feel myself emptied, dumb, stupid and so on and so on. How I'll find a job in a stack that I don't even know yet, if I wasn't able to pass the interview for position in which I currently working? Definitely should take some drink.