Make bashblog look the way you want it! `bashblog`, in its default configuration, looks okay. but usually, it doesn't fit with the style of the rest of your site. so how did i get it to do that? that's what i'm going to show you today. the first thing to do is to take a look at your `.config` file in the blog directory. it should look something like this: global_title="my tildelog" global_description="a blog about tildes" this config is the file that configures bashblog. all the options are pretty clear as to what they do. now, we will make a head template. make a new file called `.header.template`. it should look like this: notice that we didn't close the `` tag. now, add this line to your config: header_file=".header.template" now we will make a before and after body template. this is used for wrapping the content in some sort of container or card, like i did in this blog. make a file called `.beforebody` and add something like this:
be sure not to close these divs unless you're sure what you're doing. next, make a file called `.afterbody` and use it to close out all the divs.
once you have added these files, add these lines to your config: body_begin_file=".beforebody" body_end_file=".afterbody" your completed config file should now look like this: global_title="my tildelog" global_description="a blog about tildes" header_file=".header.template" body_begin_file=".beforebody" body_end_file=".afterbody" now all that's left to do is to run `bb rebuild` and feast your eyes on your new, beautiful blog! tags: bashblog, html, css