No greatest tool ==== One night there was a storm, and Master Wq’s house collapsed. The next morning he began to build it again using his old tools. His novice came to help him, and they built for a while and were making good progress. As they worked, the novice began to tell Master Wq of his latest accomplishments. "Master, I have developed a wonderful Vim script to give all sorts of useful information about a document. It counts the words, the sentences, the paragraphs, and even tells you what kind of document it is using the syntax highlighting rules. I use it in my pipelines all the time. It is a thing of beauty, and I am very proud. Truly, Vim is the greatest tool!" Master Wq did not reply. Thinking he had unwittingly angered his master, the novice fell silent and continued his work. The novice finished aligning two beams and had positioned a nail ready for beating into the wood, but found the hammer was out of reach. "Would you pass me the hammer, master?" Master Wq handed the novice a saw. At once, the novice was enlightened.