The Vim poet ==== A young man begged an audience with Master Wq to read him his latest work, an ode to the glories of Vim. With tearful eyes he read out his heartfelt words, pouring his soul into his veneration for his text editor. The master sat and listened to the poet for a while. After the tenth verse, he held up his hand. "Please, no more. Your poem is awful." The young man was very angry. "Master Wq, surely you of all people can best appreciate the poem, you who know the great beauty of the editor. How can you be so terse, so dismissive? I even wrote this poem in Vim!" "You wrote it in Vim," said the Master. "But your meter is uneven, your rhyming pattern inconsistent, your metaphors mixed. You have written a very bad poem using a very good tool. You are not a poet, and Vim will not make you one; many of my students are not programmers, and Vim will not help them either." "Vim is eternally beautiful," protested the poet. "It is a worthy subject for an ode." "Vim is not permanent. nvi is not permanent. vi itself is not permanent, only vi-nature. Emacs has vi-nature, nano has vi-nature, even Notepad has vi-nature. You narrow your sights, you grow attached, and hence you do not grasp the true value of your poem’s subject. You must leave. Come back when you have mastered Emacs." The poet left, deeply ashamed. He never returned.