A new laptop It's usually fun to get new things, my new laptop being no exception. It amazes me, though, how much faster I can set up a new PC than even a few years ago. The fun has almost been taken out of it in the best possible way. Syncing, sharing, JSON configs for all the things... It's just so easy. I should really stop getting distracted with work and new toys and figure out what I want to write about. I have bought myself out of excuses now. If you ever read this, let me know what you think. Should I ramble on about whatever topic most interests me each post? Should I try to focus on my fiction prose? A bit of everything? I will undoubtedly decide something only to promptly change my mind. ### just who do i think i am? Well, I am Lee. I have always been an SDET/SEIT (or whatever you prefer to call your friendly neighborhood test engineers). I have always been interested in learning something new. To that end, I have two main hobbies: cooking and hobbies. I love to learn and experience new things. I prefer to fixate on an every growing list of topics that interest me. This usually means my fixation on a new or existing hobby intensely for some ammount of time before either abandoning it or adding it to the rotation. A few of my current top hobbies include: biking, board games, security (both pyhsical and digital e.g. lockpicking, reading CVE notes, gardening, feeble attempts at humor, etc.), improving my chess, and video games. I cycle through most in various frequencies. If you ever want to distract me and waste some amount of your undoubtedly more valuable time, contact me in real or slow-time about just about any topic. I will almost certainly be interested in some level of discussion. The quality of the conversation is not something I can guarantee, though. I can guarantee that you will get a stream of my consciousness for the entire time you have my attention. Be assured, like this post, it will go on long and wild tangents and vary wildly in quality. Now, before I reread this paragraph and try to pretend I'm not lost, I want to just say thanks for getting here. You're a good person, script, bot, or whatever it may be that you exist as. ### just who do i think i am? ... (cont.) I list cooking separately because it has always been part of my life. It was my first and is still my strongest hobby and is arguably my passion. Sorry, computers. There are few topics I care more about or have more curiousity towards. I just love to think, talk, learn about, and do cooking. This blog will **NOT** be about cooking but there will be some often. It's a prominent focus in my life. That seems like a decent introduction. If you're still curious, there will be more to come! In advance, thank you so much, and I'm so sorry! tags: hello-world, new-pc, introductions