2020-03-11 - The beautiful simplicity of textmode ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaw yeah... Every time i'm working in my simple black-and-white text mode console, i feel i can relax. It's like a mini-holiday from the visual overload of attention grabbing crap from 'normal' graphical environments of the computers i use for work. As i've written before, the black-and-white console is very appealing to me, and even just the act of typing little words in a simple editor pleases me. As you can see I'm pretty happy just typing away nonsense. My personal computer exists of a fairly simple debian install running either dwm or tmux to manage my screens. And there's not much more i need. Working on this little laptop is great. Despite that it is now more than 12 years old, i can do all the things i can think of... Working in textmode is a great help here i suppose. Unlike all the graphical nonsense, CLI environments are lean and mean, and behave snappy on just any simple system. At the moment i can't think of any reason why i'd ever need another computer. I'm typing here now, in nano, the editor of my choice. I like simple editors and can't memorize more than 3 shortcuts, so nano suits me well. In the background moc player is playing some tracker music from the nineties i've gathered from modarchive.org. Everything is simple and lightweight, and i'm happy. I like the console font i got on my debian machine. I haven't configured anything, it's just the default font. And every time i strike a key, immediately a little white character pops up on my black screen. This way of computering suits me very well. This is a weird kind of fetish though. :)