Why you shouldn't rant while being drunk Ignorance is bliss. And unfortunately it seems the internet is messing that bliss up for me. Over the years my internet behaviour has changed. One important reason is that there's so much on the internet nowadays. You can literally find anything online. And with that, you'll almost always find a solution for your problem instantaneously. And that kinda sucks. It sucks, because it inhibits the way you solve problems. Earlier, you'd have a problem and after some thinking, tinkering and trying, you might be lucky enough to have found something that solved your problem. The solution might not have been elegant, or working that good, but you were happy to have solved the problem. With the internet as it is, the solution is already somewhere online. And most likely people are ranting against eachother to discuss whether a solution is elegant or not. Some clever smugs might have posted a brilliant and elegant solution which is working great. In the end you end up fetching that solution from the internet and using it without even thinking about it very long. And with all the clever solutions being available, you'd be stupid not to use the new way of solving your problems. As the new solutions for your problems become more and more rapidly available, you are in a continuous tredmill of implementing new solutions all the time. The question is whether it is really necessary. You have to update your Microsoft Office suite every year or two, as you have to have the latest version for some reason. The old suite apparently deteriorates over time, and starts to suck as it gets older? For the occasional letter you write, do you really need the newest wordprocessor? I bet 90% of the people could even do all their work with a old version of WordPerfect for DOS. But then again, you want to insert your silly cliparts of cats into your document as well of course. Same with browser development. We used to use plain HTML files. As time progressed, we wanted to make more fancy webpages. As all the markup cluttered our HTML files, we invented stylesheet to separate content from markup. We also wanted stupid animations and effects on our websites, so after using Macromedia Flash for about a decade, we switced to using javascript to do that for us. The thing is, CSS is apparently such a bitch to work with in a normal way these days, that you'd better use a preprocessor to compile CSS files for you from script, in order to work with it at more advanced webdesigns. You need JS frameworks to work around the silly quirks of the javascript implementations in various browsers. Darn it, when we were young, we had to set the font-type with a font-tag in our HTML code. And that was the only way to do it! The thing is, we were fine with it. And we could still be fine with it. Lot's of website markup barely serves any purpose anyway. The only purpose it seems to serve is advertisements on your stupid webpage. Recently i found myself browsing a website, using a modern browser on a pretty new quadcore processor computer. The surprising thing was that a advertisement on the website was slowing down my browser tremendously. The thing was stuttering like an epileptic on acid at a techno rave. I was confused, as i had Flashblock installed to disable all the Flash crap you could get. I figured an animated gif shouldn't slow down the browser that much, unless it was really large and my computer had problems downloading and placing the whole thing. It turned out, that it wasn't a gif animation in the end. The advertisement turned out to be an SVG which was animated in some way and some transformation effects in the animation caused the computer to think it should throw all its resources into rendering a stupid advertisement. Of course the implementation of SVG is great and all, but if it's used to display shitty advertisements which slow down a quadcore processo, then i'd rather not use it at all. Boohoo, they don't make history like they used to. :( .-------------------------. | Go fuck yourself bird, | | Go fuck yourself goat, | | Go fuck yourself clouds,| | Go fuck yourself sun. | | Go fuck youseelf fish, | | Go fuck yourself sheep, | | Go fuck yourself son. | \___ __ ______________/ | / /---\ / / | u u --` \_-_/ .. / _ \ __ .-.| | / /` / .o | | (> / <)__ \- | | /__/___/ `._.'[] ` | ,- \ \ \\/ /| | `--'. \.;`\ .\_/ | |.---| | i . / --_-`_____`| /|| / / \.` || 11 | -. 11 `--- -