2019-09-05 - Textmode browsing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier this week i decided to uninstall my graphical browser from my computer. I was using Chromium, and i am now trying to solely use Lynx for my browsing needs. Now this should not be too difficult, as my browsing needs are quite modest nowadays. In the beginning of this year i had stopped my ADSL internet subscription, because i found that i was spending a bit too much time idly browsing the internet. I found that 90% of my browsing behaviour consisted of checking the same sites over and over again in some kind of auto-pilot loop. So over time i had grown pretty tired of the way i was using the internet. As this habit showed some hints of an unhealthy addiction, i figured it would be better just to cut the cord, and stop with the internet for a while. A couple of months i had no internet at home. And while it took some getting used to, i must say it is very doable. Furthermore it is quite relaxing, and got my mind in a much more creative mode. However, this creative mode got me interested in writing, and dabling around in programming, so i noticed i liked to have a tiny bit of internet to look things up. [#Footnote] Now, a couple of months later, i am tethering this little bit of intenet over a 4g phone connection. The amount of data i can use is limited to 500mb a month (which is really quite a lot if you think about it). Now, since i use my home computer only for 'recreative' browsing (For administrative tasks i use a computer at work) i didn't have a real need for a graphical browser at home anymore. So i removed it, and now Lynx is my go-to browser. The nice thing is that i seem to be using the internet in a bit different way. It is purely an information source or reference, for things i am working on. There's not so much appeal for mindless browsing in textmode, or getting lost in cat pictures. Still, i have to limit my browsing, and only switch on the 4g tetherphone when needed. Maybe reduce my dataplan from 500 to 100mb a month. But in this way things seem much more controllable. ------ [#Footnote] Now i read this part back, i sound like an actual junkie; "No, i stopped this heroin, cold turkey. But i just keep injecting a tiny bit to take the edge off, otherwise i start shaking..." :D Maybe this is a way of finding excuses for myself to keep using internet, and keep an addiction going... So perhaps i should contemplate on this for a while, and maybe i should limit my internet usage even more strictly and get rid of the 4g tetherphone as well. Perhaps, instead i could resort only to using internet over WIFI in the local library. That would be quite charming as well. Be offline most of the week, be creative, and write etc. And only on saturdays, upload my stuff to the internet, and read up to some gopherholes and phlogs, and be done for the coming week. Hmm... i have to think about my relation with the internet some more. I remember there's a real nice post on Raptitude.com about internet, which i saved a copy of on my computer. Its called; "It's time to put the internet into the box in the basement". Might be nice to read.