2019-09-28 - Man in train ------------------------------------------------------------------- A while ago i was traveling with the train from a work related activity back to home. Leaves were starting to change colour and getting ready to start falling off the trees soon. The light was changing to have this more orange glow to it; The glow that lets you know that summer is really over and autumn is really starting. I was sitting in a moderately busy train, with lots of other travelers coming from the airport, moving their own ways. Amidst the muffled chatter of my fellow travelers in my compartment of the train, i saw an older grey haired Chinese man on his own, quietly and carefully eating an orange. The way the setting sunlight hit the orange in the hands of the man, made everything look beautiful. And i don't know if it was this lighting, or the way the man eating the orange looked, or the way the quiet mumbling of the train compartment sounded to my ears; But for a brief moment the whole world fell into place at once, and all of a sudden everything made sense, and i found myself overwhelmed by a feeling of love and extreme joy. I started to feel totally amazed how this man, all the way from China, was doing something so mundane as eating an orange. Apparently somebody from the other side of the planet could also enjoy eating oranges. And i realized his body preferred the same sustenance as any other human would do. I started to think how this man might have taken along this orange on his flight. He might have looked forward to sit down and eat it since his flight. Maybe it was even given to him by his caring wife, who would miss him for his journey in Europe. Maybe this man was eating his orange, and thinking about home, or about his kids. I started thinking about light, and how the semi-translucent orange piece in the hands of the man seem to lit up around its edges by the setting late-summer sun shining through the train window. And how i was able to perceive this spectacle due to the same light hitting my eyes. The quiet atmosphere in the train made me realize that it was awesome that in this particular moment and location, the whole civilization thing was working out pretty well. People were quietly attending to their own things, silently chatting to each other. And it was amazing to sit along with all these fellow travelers. While the man was eating a piece of orange i started thinking about digestion systems, and how amazing it is that nutrients from this orange would provide energy to the body of the man, just as it does for all of us. And for most of us, this whole digestion system works without any conscious effort. Thinking about this, i realized that all mundane things are practically miracles. The fact that i was sitting here in this train, observing this whole spectacle with my own eyes was another miracle. And it was an awesome, in the most proper sense. And while i was thinking about this, i realized i was sitting comfortably in a fast moving train; Bringing me from one place to another in such an amazing speed that people in the past could only dream off. With all this happening in a short moment, i was sitting in the train overwhelmed by joy, tearing up from the realization that all humanity was one, that life is an absolute miracle, even in the smallest mundane acts. And realizing the fact that i was incredibly lucky to be part of it. It filled me with happiness, and it felt like being touched by divinity for a brief moment. I was in awe.