2019-10-01 - Tired and C ------------------------------------------------------------------- Woah, it's the first of october already. This year is going very fast. I feel i'm only working, and working. And tonight i am tired. So i will have a cup of tea, a shower and go to bed early. This weekend i was dabbling around a bit with some C programming; And this was something i hadn't done for a long time unfortunately. I really enjoyed a little programming again. Makes me want to get some c-books and work through them again. I would really like to get a physical copy of "K&R - The C programming language" some time, just so i can enjoy sitting in a chair, and reading it while having tea. I do have a (very shitty) translation of Al Kelley's & Ira Pohl's book. But that's way less fun than K&R. Anyway, i am a very casual programmer. I am not super clever or talented, so I enjoy programming little, simple projects. Projects that don't take to much time to finish. In the past i've taken on some projects that grew way too big, and stopped being fun at some point. Those are projects that get abandoned and end up gathering dust in some corner of a backup drive. From that i learned I should just work on small and simple stuff. Things that don't need more than a weekend to finish. In the end, i'm just a hobbyist, so none of the programming i do has to be meaningful or sexy. As i've written before, i really like to program as if i'm 11 years old again. Having no concept of optimization, design patterns or good or bad programming, but just having fun. And with a sense of wonder figuring stuff out by trial and error. Hacking away, and making stuff just for the sake of making stuff. I miss that in this time of internet and stackoverflow where everybody already knows everything and answers to problems are just one click away. Good that there are these books. I think i'll look up a second hand K&R book somewhere in the coming days. But now, it's time for tea.