2019-10-15 - The black screen ------------------------------------------------------------------- Here i am again, in my room, in front of my computer. A cup of tea on the left of me, along with a couple of pieces of chocolate. It is already dark outside. You can notice the end of the year is coming close, as it gets dark earlier and earlier in the evening. I am enjoying this view on my computer. Living in textmode. Quitely typing these little white characters on a black screen. No distractions. Nothing shouting for attention. Just the humble monospace characters that appear on my screen after a gentle key press. I wonder if all those GUI users know what they are missing? While i am quite a visual oriented person, i do appreciate the simplicity of textmode very much. During the day i am already bombarded with all kinds of visual messages. Bombarded beyond the point of saturation to be precise... When i am sitting here in front of my computer at the end of the day, i don't need more visuals. I don't need more of these stupid billboards, advertisements, pop-ups, corporate branding and slogans pushed in my face. I just want peace and quiet. A black screen with some characters on them. That's all i want. From when i was younger, i remember these CRT monitors, with either green or amber text on a black background. Or if you were really cool, you would have a single monitor that could switch between these two colours. I remember messing about in BASIC, trying to make silly animations of little men, running across the screen. Perhaps, this is where the love for textmode started. However, i do not think my current appreciation stems solely from melancholy. It is also caused by finding a dissatisfaction with the current way of computering. Everything is happening on the internet. Everything is graphical. Everything is animated. Everything is portrayed as fabulous and sleek and fancy. And it seems it is mostly done by visuals. Fancy pictures of beautiful happy people eating a sandwich. It is not difficult to imagine the love for textmode started to grow while the internet slowly grew to this insane commercial narcissistic shitshow of (personal) branding happening inside walled gardens owned by three or four big coorporations. "Have a look at this bowl of soup i ate today". Oops... I flew off at a tangent for a moment there. Apparently there is some deep surpressed anger with the state of the internet residing still inside me. And i started off so well... What was i talking about again... Oh yeah... i was talking about how text mode gives me a much better focus... \\\\. co/op __ |uuu| \'\l \ / \{3 >o< / / / | \ / / ------------------------------------------------------------------ "I am Mike, and today we are going to unbox this great new phone nobody needs. The great thing about this phone is that it has an awesome app which allows you to connect to somebody far away and when connected you can hear live audio streams of eachother. In real time! And all thanks to cloud computing, blockchain and artificial intelligence!"