2019-11-05 - Rainy ------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been very rainy over here the past couple of days. Which is kind of cosy when sitting inside with cups of tea. However since i also need to be outside now and then, and my mode of transport is a bicycle, i get rained on quite often this week. Good thing is that i have a nice rain suit. But the funny thing is that wearing my rainsuit somehow stops the rain. And when i take off the rainsuit it starts raining again. As a result i never wear a rainsuit when it's actually raining. And i always wear a rainsuit when it's dry and sunny, causing me to overheat and get sweaty (and wet in the end). Rainsuits are weird. I need to clean my laptop keyboard, as the spacebar keeps hanging for some reason, causing it to not register when i hit spacebar. Whichiskindofbotheringmeasyoucanimagine. I see there is all kinds of gunk collected in between the keys of the keyboard. So it needs cleaning. Actually my whole laptop needs some good cleaning, so maybe i take it apart in the weekend and blow some air throught it and such... Or maybe not. I also have some other house chores to do. Adulting yo. I wish i had something insightful to write about, but the truth is i am quite tired of a long work day, and i want to lay in bed and close my eyes. Sleeping is nice, and the guy that invented sleeping is a clever guy. :)