2020-12-04 - A cup of tea ------------------------------------------------------------------- I am drinking a cup of tea, and it is awesome. It is fairly chilly in my house now during this late autumn time and holding the warm glass cup in my hand is already a nice experience on its own. But sipping the tea boosts is really quite nice. It seems to boost my morale, reduces my stress and makes me just happy generally. My body seems to like tea. Normally during the day i only drink hot water, but in the evening i really enjoy a cup of actual tea. Actually so much, that i'm looking forward to have a cup of tea in the evening sometimes. Oh dear... Tea addict reporting in. I have to say i'm absolutely no tea expert, and most tea types will do fine, except for teas with mint flavour. I don't understand tea with mint flavour. It's like having a cup of tea while brushing your teeth. Ew. Black tea is nice, green tea's are alright, and i really like Ceylon tea, and teas with a slight hint of orange zest flavour. And now i will go to bed, and look forward to another cup of tea tomorrow. } } { { } } .----. '.____.'_ | |_ \ | TEA |_)| | |__/ '----'