2020-12-20 - Holiday ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hurray, after a year of working, finally it is time for some well deserved holiday time. The coming two weeks i'm off and have some time to do whatever i feel like doing. The past weekend i started this holiday with a couple of celebratory days of doing fuckall, which was great. Work has been stressful enough, so it's good to do nothing for a while. Furthermore, everything is pretty much closed here now, so apart from the occasional walk to the supermarket there's not much reason to go out to the city. I have practiced a bit of juggling though and that's still great fun to do, and seems to be good for my head. So probably that'll be what i'll do outside every now and then. Inside, i might start tinkering around with either programming or electronics or so the coming days. Also i have some books to read still and some general tasks to do in the house. For the electronics part, i've been wanting to play around with some basic ic's on my breadboard. Build some multivibrators, play around with shift registers and some SRAM i have had laying around for some years... Plenty to do really. But the primary thing to do, is to chill out, relax a bit and recharge. No stress, no commitments, just hanging out and enjoying not having to do much. I am enjoying the winter season very much. I like how it's getting dark in the late afternoon already, as it gives me long nights to just enjoy cups of tea and quiet evenings. Somehow all of that works better when it's dark outside. Sometimes i wonder if that'd be all i need; A cozy quiet room, with a desk, a bed, a pc, some books and a small light. The fewer the amount of distractions the better. Not that i'd be making something brilliant in such a way or anything. But it would feel nice to 'feel focused'. In the end i'd pretty much do the same things as i'm doing now. Write little meaningless snippets, play around with ASCII drawing, tinker about with some programming, etc. All pretty useless things in itself. But that doesn't matter. I'm enjoying doing these useless things. And that's nice.