2021-08-02 - Connected ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just noticed i've been phlogging on the gopherspace (with varying intervals) for nearly two years now. That's kinda nice! I feel finding gopher has made a really positive change for me and to the way i approach computers. In the past two years, i've turned more and more into a 'mouse living in the foundations of the internet' as ~Spring describes so nicely on his circumlunar republic phlog [1] And i feel quite alright here amidst these other mice. Everything is small and humble, everything is nice and quiet and everything happening at a much more pleasant pace. While internet is definitely great, an overload of connectivity feels harmful to myself. So i'm trying to limit my exposure to it. I really like ~Visiblink's ideas on his 1979 experiment [2] That's definitely something i want to try out in some way too. One thing i would like to try out for a while, is to connect to the internet only once a week; for example on saturdays, and only in a specific location; the library. This way, connecting becomes a consious decision and becomes something that is again bound to specific limits; the same way it used to be when i was young; Internet happened at the library... for 50 cents per 15 minutes... For today i will disconnect, i will listen to some music and will ponder about the magical times before everything and everybody was permanently connected. [1] gopher://republic.circumlunar.space/1/~spring/phlog/ [2] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~visiblink/phlog/20200822