2022-10-07 - October ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh em gee. It's already October again. And not only it's just october, it's already the 7th of October... In my experience, the coming three months (oct/nov/dec) typically fly by with an incredible speed, and before i know it, it'll be January again. But first, of course some nice months of cozy winter darkness. The coming three months are typically my favorite months of the year, as the quiet and dark allow me to focus a bit better. I have a couple of books that i want to read. I've been lucky enough to find these books on some second-hand book markets. In total the four books cost me around 10 euro's total. The first book is an old study book on the basics of transistors, and i'm looking forward to read this. The second book is on the basics of radio waves. Something i'm also interested to learn more about. The third book is on shortwave transmitters. In addition i've also found 'A walk in the woods' by Bill Bryson. And i always love Bryson books for having a relaxing read and a good laugh. I'm quite pleased with these finds, and as said, looking forward to some reading. All in all there's still plenty to read and to study, and hopefully these months will provide some quiet evenings to do just that. Still it's difficult not to get distracted by all the other things in the world. There are too many forms of easy mindless entertainment which are constantly luring me in... Good thing Gopher is there, to remind me that places with proper peace and quiet still exist. Oh; I intended to join Roophlog this year, but didn't get to it in the end... Such a shame... I really like the idea of this.