2022-19-27 - Autumn swim ------------------------------------------------------------------- In the past few weeks i've been trying to go swimming outdoor a couple of times a week. The objective is to keep swimming throughout autumn and winter. I have no idea if i'll make it, but it seems like a fun challenge so far; albeit a bit chilly at times. The water temperature is around 10 degC here i estimate. But diving in and swimming around for a bit is quite a exciting experience. In the first seconds, my body responds to diving in the water with getting some excited breaths (read gasping for air :) But after the first 30 seconds, this calms down a bit. Then after a minute or so, i typically get a tingling/sparkly feeling around the chest and shoulders. This keeps on a bit longer, but the body calms down after this and slowly the cold and the swimming becomes quite pleasurable (and more tolerable than i initially imagined). I can't stay in the water for too long yet, i typically only swim for 5 or 10 minutes i think. However i do notice when swimming regularly the body gets a bit more accustomed to swimming in these lower temperatures. Still the water is 'relatively warm', and i am really curious what would happen if the temperatures drop close to 0 degC levels... I'm sure that'd be a whole different experience even. Despite that, even when i'm not able to cope with winter temperatures, the notion that swimming outside the summer season can be quite fun and a pleasurable experience is a nice 'discovery' in itself. It is really quiet near the ponds/waters where i swim. And swimming on a cold autumn morning gives a whole different experience than what i am used to. Oh, and that's only the swimming itself; afterwards i'd typically get a really nice buzz. Don't exactly know what it is... But it really puts me in a great mood; Feeling positive and chilled out at the same time; Similar to the feeling after having done great run. It's the hormones (i presume) Oh yeah, after swimming i noticed it helps to dress with some proper warm comfy clothes. The body needs to do some extra work to get back to a good temperature. And it prevents me from becoming too shivery.. .-----------------------. | THIS IS FINE! *shiver | -. ,------------------' . ' . q / p , ` `\ ####. / . =q =q _\_(o _o) _.-`-.\_.-\---/__`-._.-`-._.-`-._.-`-._.-`-._.-`-._ *SPLASH!!