2023-07-20 - Pessimistic hotness and Nintendo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so i've got the feeling i blinked my eyes and nearly eight months have passed in an instance. It is nearly august, and i last posted here in december of last year. Feels like last week, really. Time is running so rapidly now in my experience, that it's no fun anymore... But hey, i'm still alive and kicking. I'm healthy and just had some lovely dinner i cooked. So no reason to complain. I'm on the internet much less now and i've had a couple of months with very minimal to no computering, and lots of bookreading. That was very nice to do. Limiting my online time feels quite healthy. The last few weeks i've heard and read many stories on the changing climate, the increasing record temperatures and the extreme ocean surface temperatures. They are the stories we knew since the 70's would come at some point. But now they're coming it feels faster than anticipated. Time is weird in that way i suppose. It's like being at a great party when you were a kid and all of a sudden you had to go to bed... All this news saddens me deeply, and i feel i personally cannot do anything either. Unfortunately over the years, i've grown completely pessimistic about our collective ability to 'solve' this problem. And i worry that the looming reality is that humanity will not be able to solve this problem in the elegant 'utopian' way we had probably hoped for. Currently it stills seems that there is common hope that the solution is found in planting a few trees, putting a couple of solar panels on our roof and driving an electric car. I believe this is false hope for a solution. In order to make even the slightest change in the course things are heading now, humanity (and especially the rich western world) needs to make a totally radical change in the way we're living now. The changes need to be SO radical, that nobody living with our current common standards of living will be even remotely willing to adopt such a different lifestyle. And even if everybody would be on board and adopt such totally radical changes today, it would take decades for us to experience any of the results of the changes we make today. So instead, climate change is bound to continue further and further. And over the coming years and decades the weather systems become more and more unpredictable, many places will become uninhabitable, water and food will become more and more scarce in mmore places and over time many people would die in misery. Perhaps in the long run (in many decades/centuries) the system finds some balance and the humans living then will understand how to live while keeping a balance. Who knows... I'm currently not sure how to deal with this pessimistic view of the future besides being apathic and doing nothing... With all this in mind i found the Interstellar movie striking; ----- When I was a kid, it felt like they made something new every day. Some gadget or idea. Like every day was Christmas. By six billion people, just try to imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all. ----- In order to ignore all of this and go to a happy place in my head, i've grown a bit of interest in programming for the Nintendo NES. This is something i can do on a very (very) casual basis, during the occasional times when i want to do some 'nerding around'. So progress is slow, naturally. I'm figuring out how the system works and try to make little programs that i can run in an emulator.. It's something nice to do completely offline on this old computer, using a 6502 assembly programming guidebook and a handful of NES tutorial PDF's. Maybe someday i write something which can be shared here. However, with my current speed it will most likely only happen around the end of the century. By then we're probably living in a Mad-Max post apocalyptic era. But it is likely gopher is still running then. :)