2024-02-29 - Oh dear ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh dear, it is already almost march again. And i haven't even made a phlog post this whole year. Again, time is moving too fast for me to be able to keep track of it. Work takes a lot of time and attention, and at home i am currently distracted by all kinds of things. Currently i'm still learning to do some programming on the NES, and i can tell that i am absolutely feeling as a complete newbie in programming for the 6502. But that is not a problem at all... Actually this is the exact reason why i am playing with the NES, so that i can do some low level programming and really have to think about the basics. Luckily today i finally received an old copy of the famous book by Rodnay Zaks; "Programming the 6502". I already had this book in PDF form, but i really like having a physical copy of it, as i much prefer reading via a physical book. Hopefully with some practice, at some point i will become a lot less clumsy when programming 6502 assembly. The physical book is a bit smaller than i expected, and i'm quite happy with that, as it makes it much easier to take with me for reading outside, when the weather starts to become a bit better hopefully in a few months. I'm looking forward to that! At idle moments i'm watching the series "Heroes", which i quite enjoy. In the past i've seen fragments of it, but i encountered a dvd box set of the 2nd and 4th season a while ago in the second hand shop. Last week i've found a 1st season box in another 2nd hand shop, so i now started watching the series. I'm hoping to find a copy of the 3rd season at some point, so i can watch the whole series. (Assuming it only has four seasons?)...