select color from terminal # colorpicker Use colorpicker from the command line to select colors. For instance: surf \((echo ""\)(colorpicker –short –one-shot –preview | tr -d "#")) As usual, there is most probably a better way to do this, but anyway. We break it down into several steps. ## $(colorpicker –short –one-shot –preview | tr -d "#") What this does is first call **colorpicker** with ****–short**** which returns html color codes, ****–one-shot**** whcih cause colorpicker to exit after one click, and ****–preview**** which displays a small square in the bottom right corner of the screen filled with the color under the cursor. Pipe this into **tr** using ****-d**** to delete the hash ****#****. Wrap the whole thing in a command substitution. ## surf $(echo "" … ) This is simple you **echo** the url concat with the previous command sub result and generate a url to pass to **surf** or your favorite browser. ## Alternative colorpicker –short –one-shot –preview | xclip -sel clip Just pipe the result of **colorpicker** into xclip or any other clipboard manager, and you can paste the result into your code. I have a keybinding in **stumpwm** (define-key **top-map** (kbd "s-c") "exec colorpicker –short –one-shot –preview | xclip -sel clip") So that I can grab colors on the fly.