12-29-2018 ========== Over the past few days, I've seen an uptick in the amount of times I see something in any of the venues I follow people on that make me go, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" First it was an "otherkin cringe" Tumblr (which I follow to remind me never to sink to those murky depths ever again) posting a screenshot of someone on Mastodon (it was clearly the Mastodon UI) showing off their queer pride and feminism pins and talking about how they'd like to jump the poster and, I quote, "rip off their pins one-by-one and throw them into the sewer". Second, it's the constant "kill all cishets/whyte people" posts on the fediverse, but a lot more... graphic in their imagined violence. I thought calls to violence were supposed to be banned on a lot of the instances that these posts originate from, and yet... And now someone in my feed is spamming Nazi swastikas (as opposed to Hindu ones) and calling people f*ggots for expressing their free speech in muting instances known to host bad actors. At least my instance admin (@tA@ilovela.in) is planning on wiping both their Mastodon and Pleroma servers and starting new on a brand-spanking-new Pleroma instance. A brand new year, a brand new beginning. But for now, things suck.