* CONVERSION ** OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss God's constant call for us to conversion 2. Respond to God's call to conversion 3. Pray for the conversion of all ** CONTENT *** Conversion Lifelong process of moving toward closer union with Christ our Savior, in His community, the church and away from sinful ways and habits **** AUTHENTIC CONVERSION This takes time to achieve, and one needs one's family, friends and fellow members of the Christian community to sustain one's personal effort to turn away from sin, selfishness, pride and toward Christ and God our father **** MORAL CONVERSION We spontaneously think of turning away from self-centered pursuit of satisfying our own egotistical needs and toward loving service of others **** AFFECTIVE CONVERSION such always involves our feelings, emotions, and imagination needed to support an outgoing love that overcomes temptations to prejudices, oversensitivity, hatred and pride **** INTELLECTUAL CONVERSION the redirection of the affections that can last only if grounded in a shift the ways we understand and judge the basic meaning and value of our lives **** RELGIOUS CONVERSION This happens through God's Grace when we freely respond to the Father's self-giving through Jesus Christ His son, in their Holy Spirit of undying love [uwu] <-- HEAD: intellec | <-- HEART: Moral /|\ <-- HAND: Affective / \ *** SACRAMENT OF PENANCE This is the sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in his love and mercy **** ACTS OF THE PENITENT Contrituion or heartfell sorry Confession of all grave/mortal sins to the priest, minister of the Church , acting in the Person of christ Penance/Satisfaction for sins committed, by restitution and reparation of injury and firm purpose of renewal.