* THE LAST SUPPER ** OBJECTIVES 1. To describe Jesus as the Eucharist 2. To see how the ritual of the celebration of the mas can be enfleshed in our life 3. To discuss the institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist with emphasis in the meaning of "Do this in memory of me" ** CONTENT THE HOST = represents the body of christ THE WINE = represents the blood of christ *** WINE This is my blood- Jesus desired life for us all *** THE USE OF BREAD AND WINE Bread and wine were offered in sacrifice among the first fruits of the earth in acknowledging God as the creator of all. *** ESSENCE OF THE LAST SUPPER 1. A pledge of future glory is given to us 2. A paschal bangquet in which Christ 1. This is a memorial of His death and resurrection *** PASSOVER MEAL A passover meal is a family meal often celebrated by family members whose main presider is the father of the family. This is celebrated according to the pattern the Israelitesr had before they were finally able to gain liberation from the bondage of oppression to the Egyptians *** EUCHARIST SECTION 1. Christ himself is really present in the Eucharistic Celebration in multiple ways 2. Christ instituted the Eucharist at Last Supper with his apostles, so that His bloody sacrifice on the Cross could be perpetuated through the ages 3. Christ instituted the Eucharist so that his once and for all saving death on the Cross might be made a present event