* RESURRECTION ** OBJECTIVES 1. Explain the meaning of Salvation as described in the Passion of Christ 2. Explain the resurrection as the cenral truth of our Christian Faith 3. To do good as motivated by Christ's ressurection ** CONTENT The ressurection of Jesus Christ is considered is the greatest fear of the church, without christ reisen from the dead there would be no Christian faith *** IMPORTANCE 1. The ressurection confirmed everything Christ had done and taught 2. Christ fulfilled the old testament prophecies, promising a savior for all the world 3. The Resurrection confirmed Jesus' divinity 4. Christ's death freed us from sin, and His resurrection brought us a share in the new life of adopted sons/daughters of the Father in the Holy spirit 5. The Risen is the principle and source of our future resurrection. *** THE EMPTY TOMB OF JESUS The empty Tomb indicates about the nature of our salvation, The corpse of Jesus was a symbol of the ultimate human sin, and God took the corpse and made of it the beginning of the new creation The empty tomb and the appearance of Jesus altogether testify the reality of the resurrection. Through the conviction of the apostles and Jesus to share the ressurection of Jesus, the Christian community has grown alot and eventually became instrumental in the beginning of the church