* DECISION MAKING ** CONTENT *** COMPARISON OPERATORS Comparison Operators are used to compare two operands for equality and to determine if one numeric value is greater than the other. A Boolean value of true or false is truened after two operands are compared. **** TYPES OF OPERATORS 1. "==" Equal Returns true if the operands are equal 2. "|=" Not Equal Returns true if the operansd are not equal 3. ">" Greater Than Returns true if the left operand is great than the right operand 4. "<" Less Than Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand *** LOGICAL OPERATORS Logical operators are used for comparing two Boolean operands for euality, Like comparison operators, A boolean value of true or false is returned after two operands are compared **** TYPES OF OPERATORS 1. && (and) Returns true if both left operand and right operand return a value of true, Otherwirse it returns a value of false 2. || (or) Returns true if either the left operand or right operand returns a value of true, If neither operand returns a value of true, then the expression containing the || (or) operator returns a value of false 3. | (not) Returns true if an expression is false and returns false if an expression is true **** STATEMENTS 1. IF STATEMENT Ex. if (num<10){ alert("That is OK!"); } 2. CONFIRM STATEMENT Ex. confirm ("stoopid"); ans=confirm("you sure?");