* ARGUMENT WRITIING ** OBJECTIVES 1. Define argumentative writing by using a picture, 2. explaini the iimportance of the general structure of argumentative speech, and the do's and don's and 3. write their own argumentative essay ** CONTENT Argument involves the process of establishing a calim then proving it with the use of logical reasoning, examples and stuff: 1. Presents arguments about both sides of an issue 2. Change the reader's mind and convince the reader to agree with the point of view or claim of the writer *** ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING This presents arguments about both sides of an issue, its purpose is to present well-reasoned conclusions in order to persuade the audience to accept or atleast *** GENERAL STRUCTURE **** INTRODUCTION You have to look for a topic that is relatable and a interesting, that can draw alot of people and identify their interests As with any genre of writing, it is important to grab the reader's attention from the outset and dicussion texts are not different, Fortunately, there are a number of tried and tested methods of achieving this, There are a few that maybe suitable openrs for your student's dscussion writing 1. Open With a quotation relevant to the topic being addressed A well-chosen quotation can grab the attention of even the most distracted of reader and compel them to read more! 2. A surprising fact This is another great way to grab the reader's attention Thesis statements functions as a roadmap for the entire speech or paper, Without this, it would be difficult to develop an organized and focused speech or essay 1. if must be brief (1-2 sentences), specific/precise Ex. .. This is why every college-level student must study abroad durinig their undergraduate years, They will learn more in that semester abord than in any other academic year. ***** T CHART T-Chart is a grpahic organizer that examines two facets of a topic, like the pros and cons associated with it, its advantages and disadvantages, facts vs opinions, etc. For example, a student can use a T-chart to help graphically organize thoughts about: 1. Record information about any two characteristics of a topic 2. Evaluating the Pros and Cons of a topic 3. Making a Decision by comparing the resulting advantages and disadvantages 4. Lising facts vs. Opinions of a theme 5. Enumerating the problems and solutions associated with an action 6. Explaining the strengths and weaknessess of a topic **** BODY 1. There must be 3 long paragrpahs (three major arguuments) **** COUNTERARGUMENT 1. An argument to refute earlier arguments and give weight to the actual position **** CONCLUSION 1. Rephrasing the thesis statment, major points, call to attention or concluding remarks. *** DOS AND DONTS 1. Dont use Personal expressions 2. Understand your purpose your argument 3. Do not use strong feelings (e.g nobody does this, no one believes this, etc.) 4. Make reference to other sources (e.g Accord to the SWS survey) 5. Do not come to an argument without evidence 6. Organize your paper logically, you cant just put your conclusion on the introduction 7. Intergrate quotes smoothly