* ORATION ** OBJECTIVES ** CONTENT *** PERSUASIVE ORATORY Choosing a topic for Original Oratory is often a challenge, Many competitors write about subjects that they think will get under their audience's skin, But the most important element of O.O. is to choose a topic that has affected you personally, If you give a persuasive oratory focused on a cause. 1, Start off with a brillliant introduction One of the best ways to begin your speech is with an anecdote - a brief, but detailed account of a personal experience your've had or a personal experience someone close t you has had, DOn't just make something up that you think sounds good, or it will come across as phony, Think of memorable moments in your life that share themes others will be able to connect with, Tell the story and then lead into more thorough discussion of your topic, This shows your audience that you care about your cause and you are invested in your topic 2. Narrow it down In a cause oratory, you can't simply talk about one huge issue, such as world hunger, you have to narrow it down to something your audience can identify with a local level, For example, you might begin an oratory with a personal recollection of how harrowing and humbling it is to see a homeless person on the side of the street begging for food, then transition into tlaking about what homelessness as a whole is, how it affects people and what you can do about it 3. Decide on a few core points you want to get across You should, of course, have one main idea, you want to convey in your speech, such as "homelessness is bad and we can fix it" but oyu couldbreak this down into smaller sections to makei t easier for your audience to digest: "homeless affects everyone (current unemployment rates and foreclosures, women and children affected) homelessness is not harmless, people all over the world are making strides to end homelessness Try to come up with three main reasons that support your argument, and stress those points throughout you speech, backing them up with examples 4. Discuss opposition if any If you're aruging for a cuase other people care about, chances are that some people will disagree with your opinion, you need to address the opposition or counterargument and then develop a brief rebuttal to that, also dont trash talk while doing this 5. ? Once again, state the core thoughts you want to get across in your oratory, Then bring your audience full-circle and remind them of the anecdote you used to start off the speech, This is the more effective way..