Table of Contents ───────────────── 1. OBJECTIVES 2. CONTENT .. 1. Agriculture .. 2. Livestock .. 3. Landholding .. 4. Ship Building .. 5. Fishing .. 6. Metal work and Mining .. 7. Textile industry .. 8. Miscellanous Industry 1 OBJECTIVES ════════════ 1. read the test entitled "need for more study Philippine Economic Development" 2. share ideas 3. to supply a fairer view of Filipino Participation and Supplement the Defecive Spanish Accounts 2 CONTENT ═════════ 2.1 Agriculture ─────────────── At the time of the arrival of the spaniards, agriculture in the Philippines was in a omparatively prosperous condition The filipinos cultivated rice, which as today, formed their chief article of food, They also grew sugar-canes, coconuts, indigo, sweet potatoes and other tubers, various kinds of bananas, the betel-nut palm, the tamarind, Iansone, and several varieties of legumes, etc. With the coming of the Spaniards, very many plants wihch are commonly considered to be indigenous in this country, were introduced, The most important economic plant important since Spanish discovery was the tobacco, which today forms one of the staple crops, the cacao nut was important, the pineapple and etc. 2.2 Livestock ───────────── This Filipinos at the time od discovery had domestic animals, dogs, cats, pigs, goats and buffaloes, i.e carabaos. "There were no horses nor mares, the islands until the Spaniards had them brought from China to nowhere else" It has been truly said that the Filipinos has been affected by the centuries of Spanish coverignty far less on this material side that he has on his spiritual, For as we read the early accounts about agricultural life at the time of discovery and conquest, and compare it with that of a decade ago Then, the women did most of the work pounding the rice for use, whereas today, the men do it, furthermore in the early days, the system of irrigating the rice fields that is used today was known and practiced, of course, the so-called caingini method of cultiviation prevailed, but the considerable of rice which as various times were contributed by the Filipinos for the support of the Spanish conquerers 2.3 Landholding ─────────────── The lands of the ancient Filipinos were divided among the whole barangay, so that each one had his holding and no resident of one barangay was allowed cultivate lands in another barangay unless he had aquired them by inheritance, gift purchase, In some barangays, the lands belong to the chief through purchase from the original owners with the coming of the spaniards, lands were assignd to the colonists, of which they were to have perpetual ownership after four years; residence, It is in connection with the administration of these encomiendas that we find the annals of the Philippines many accounts of abuses and exortions practiced on the natives and the consequent exile however, be supposed that the Filipinos were actually disposed of their lands by the kind, for althought according to the constituional law of the Indies that and the soil in all colonies where the doman of the kind..(?) 2.4 Ship Building ───────────────── One of the most important industries in the Philippines during this period waas shipbuilding, we wouls naturally expect this industry to be developed among the Filipinos, for they belond to a seafaring race that for centuries had been pushing their way northward and taking possession of islands of tihs part of the Pacific, furthermore, once settled in this country, they hand abundant supply of good timber for building purposes, Morga described the various kinds of ships and boats used by the Filipinos.. 2.5 Fishing ─────────── as next to rice, fish formed an important part of the diet of the Filipinos, we find them engaged to the fishing industry at the time of discovery and conquest, Magellan and his party saw many fishing boats near the coasts of the islands passed by them Most of the devices used today for catching fish were known then to the ancient Filipinos 2.6 Metal work and Mining ───────────────────────── The early accounts abound in glowing descriptions of the mining wealth of this country Chief among the industries connected with the various kiinds of palms, found in the Philippines was the distillation of the sap into alcohol, a process known to the Filipinos known long before Spanish arrival Their drink is a wine made from the tops of coco, and nipa palm, of which there is a great abundance. They are grown and tended like vineyards 2.7 Textile industry ──────────────────── Weaving was one of the industries well-known to the Filipinos long before the coming of the Spaniards, Contemporary writers speak of the great quantity of clothes, especially cotton, woven in the country 2.8 Miscellanous Industry ───────────────────────── Tha the Filipinos first seen by the Spaniards were not wandering savages, as commonly assumed by later day writers, is shown by the manner in which they built their own houses- which very much resembled those of today, and fixed their settlements, It is from such and other similiar facts that Rizal,, and other writers claimed for the early Filipinos a higher degree of culutre that they were given credit for