Table of Contents ───────────────── 1. CITATION .. 1. WHY CITE? .. 2. IN CITING SOURCES ..... 1. IN TEXT CITATION ..... 2. REFERENCES .. 3. CITATION BASIS .. 4. MPA AND APA ..... 1. MPA ..... 2. APA .. 5. WHAT SHOULD YOU CITE? ..... 1. QUOTING ..... 2. PARAPHRASING ..... 3. General VS. UNFAMILIAR KNOWLEDGE ..... 4. FORMATS .. 6. HOW TO USE APA FORMAT AND QUOTING .. 7. IN-TEXT CITATION CAPITALIZATION, UOTES AND ITALICS/UNDERLINING .. 8. TITLES .. 9. SHORT QUOTATIONS .. 10. CHEATSHEET .. 11. LONG QUOTATIONS 1 CITATION ══════════ • Accordiing to University Library (n.d), citation identifies for the reader the original source for an idea, information or image that is referred to in a work 1.1 WHY CITE? ───────────── • besides avoiding plagiarism citing: 1. is the right to do to give credit to those who had the idea 2. shows that you have read and understand what experts have had to say about your topic 3. Helps people find the sources that you used in case they want to read more about the topic 4. provides evidence for your arguments 5. is professional and standard pratice for students and scholars 1.2 IN CITING SOURCES ───────────────────── 1.2.1 IN TEXT CITATION ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • in the body of a paper, the in text citation acknowledges the source of information used 1.2.2 REFERENCES ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • At the end of a paper, the citations are compile on a references or works cited list 1.3 CITATION BASIS ────────────────── 1. In the body of the paper to acknowledge the source of your information, This is meant to be a shortened version of the full citation that appears on the final page of your peper 2. Place full citations for all your sources on the last page entitled FERENCES or WORKS CITED (different citation styles require different titles) Full cictations are meant to provid reads with enoughn information so that they can locate the source themselves 3. APA or MLA are citation styles. 1.4 MPA AND APA ─────────────── 1.4.1 MPA ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • Modern Language Association 1.4.2 APA ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • American Psychological Association • In SSA, we use the APA, 7th Edition. 1.5 WHAT SHOULD YOU CITE? ───────────────────────── 1.5.1 QUOTING ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • Are you quotiing two or more consecutive words from a source, Then the original source should be cited and the words or phrase place in quotes 1.5.2 PARAPHRASING ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • if an idea or information comes from another source, even if you put it in your own words, you still need to credit the source 1.5.3 General VS. UNFAMILIAR KNOWLEDGE ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • you do not need to cite material which is accepted common knowledge, if in doubt whether your information is common knowledge or not, cite it. 1.5.4 FORMATS ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ • We usually think of books and articles, However if you use material from websites flims, music, graphs, tables, etc, you'll also need to cite these as well 1.6 HOW TO USE APA FORMAT AND QUOTING ───────────────────────────────────── • When usiing APA format, follow the author- date method of in-text citation, This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text. Ex. (Jones, 1998) • One complete reference for each source should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper • If you are not referring to an idea from another work But NOT directly quotiing the material, or makinig reference to an entire book, article, or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication and not te page number ini your in-text reference • On the other hand, if you are directly quoting or borrowing from another book, you should include the page number at the end of the parenthetical ciitation, Use the abbreviation "p." (for one page) or (pp.) (for multiple pages) before listing the page number(s), use an en dash before listing the ranges, For example, you might write "(Jones, 1998, pp. 199-201)" • This information is reiterated below • NOTE: Regardless of how they are referenced, all sources that are cited must appear in the end of the paper. 1.7 IN-TEXT CITATION CAPITALIZATION, UOTES AND ITALICS/UNDERLINING ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── • Always capitalize proper pronouns, including author names and initials "D. Jones" • If you refer to the title of a source within your paper, capitalize all words that are four letters long or greater within the title of a source: Permanence and Change, Exceptions apply to shohrt words that are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs Ex. Writing New Media, There is Nothing Left to Lose • Note: In your references list, only the first word a title will be capitalized: Ex. Writing new media 1.8 TITLES ────────── • When capitalizing titles, capitalize both words a hyphenated compound word Ex. Natural-Born Cyborgs • Capitalize the first word after a dash or colon • If the title of the work is italicized in your reference list, Italicize it, and use case capitalization in text: Ex. American Mindl The Wizard of Oz: Friends. • If the title of the work is italicized in your reference list se double quotation marks and title case capitalization Ex. Multimedia Narration: Construction Possible Worlds; "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry" 1.9 SHORT QUOTATIONS ──────────────────── If youu are directly quoting from a work, you will need to include the author, year of publication and page number for the reference (preceded by "p." for a single page and "pp." for a span of muiltiple pages, with the page numbers seperated by an en dash You can introduce the quotation with a signal phrase that inicludes the author's last name follow by the date of publication in parentheses Ex. Jones (1998) found "students often had difficulty using APA style" (p. 199) 1.10 CHEATSHEET ─────────────── Signal Phrase = According to.. Parathetical Citation = inside a parenthesis 1.11 LONG QUOTATIONS ──────────────────── Place Direct quotations that are 40 words or longer in a free standing block of typewritten lines and omit quotations. Start the quotation on a new line, indented 1/2 inch from the left margin "Direct quotations from sources that do not contain pages should not reference another logical identifying element: a paragraph, a chapter number, a section number, a table, number, or something else. Older works (like religious texts) can also incorporate special locations identifiers like verse numbers" In short: pick a substitute for page numbers that makes sense for your source Ex. Jones (1998) found a variety of causes of student dissatsifaction…