* HOW TO COPE WITH STRESS ** CONTENT 1. HAVE A TO-DO LIST It is important to organize your thoughts, and one of those things that could help you organize them is having your to-do list, you can use this to do things one-at-a-time, learn to prioiritize 2. PLAN OUT YOUR DAY Like a to-do list, you should plan your things, similar to a schedule, doing this wont make you stressed with things and you can work with your activities better 3. SPARE SOME MOMENTS FOR A GOOD TIME having a quiet time is important to reflect on your decisions and not let yourself be overwhelmed with things. 4. TAKE YOUR TIME TO RELAX AND CALM DOWN Relaxing is one of the great wonders that we humans really need, doing things we love make us calm down, its a wonder, that people who consider breaks as what it is :D 5. HAVE A REGULAR SCHEDULE FOR BEDTIME Having a healthy sleep schedule is incredibly important. 6. CHOOSE HEALTHFUL FOODS this is for you to strengthen your immune system, having a disease is a distress, which is why you should do so. 7. EXERCISE REGULARLY Doing this is to burn fats and sweets. 8. TALK TO YOUR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS ABOUT PROBLEMS AND DECISIONS 9. ENGAGE IN DOING SOMETHING FUN WITH YOUR FRIENDS Have fun. 10. PRAY FOR GUIDANCE AND ALWAYS THANK GOD FOR YOUR BLESSINGS