* MENTAL DISORDERS ** READ THIS! This lecture file is mostly from the book, so the source might not be that accurate, and the date this was written was a week before the actual lecture about this topic took place, so there might be inaccurate parts around this lecture, if not, then ill consider this as a win-win ** CONTENT Have you ever wondered what are mental illnesses? well of course, someone with common sense would know, but have you ever dared exploring the topic with a friend or maybe atleast learn more about it? no? then maybe you'll learn something cool *** STUFF 1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) People with OCD are burdened by certain fears of worries which cause them to execute rituals or routines that may be considered as higly unnecessary. Examples are applying alcohol on their hands many times a day because of their fear of germs, and checking several times if their door or fate is locked 2. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder OCPD, also known as addiction, is a serious issue that relates to an individual's mental health, It refers to a person's inability to control his/her impulses and urges. Some individuals become addicted to different forms of vices, such as using illegal drugsand drinking alcohol. Some are not able to control their harmful activities, such as compulsive stealing (kleptomania) or gambling. Whatever their problems are, people who develop addictions endanger their relationships because of their behavior 3. Post-Traumatic Personality Stress Disorder (PTSD) Some people who have experienced traumatic events ten to hold negative feeling and memories about the said situation. As a result they have a fear of anthing that reminds them of the dread that they have experienced. Some examples of PTSD are as follows: a person who has gotten into a sea tragedy avoid being in any body of water a fire acident survivor becomes scared of all fire-producing items *** MOOD DISORDERS 1. Depression Depression is a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder characterized especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent in sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies 2. Bipolar Bipolar is any of the several psychological mood disorders marked usually bt alternating episodes of depression and mania -- called manic depression or manic-depressive illness, Usually, persons suffering from this condition have excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm for something (as a mania for saving even worthless things). 3. Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder marked by loss of contact with the enviroment by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by the disintegration of personality (as hallucinatoins) and behavior, leading to madness or insanity, IT is also called dementia praecox