* DISEASES ** CONTENT The term diseases means any illness to someone's body and mind, There are two types of diseases, Communicable and Non-Communicable. Communicable Diseases are caused by pathogens that can be spread from person to person, Pathogens are viruses, bacteria or fungi Non-communicable Diseases are not caused by pathogens, but they can affect our organs and immune system, they can also be effects from our habits, common NCDs include immune system disorders, diseases of organ systems and nutrition disorders *** POSSIBLE CAUSES OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 1. Heredity This is where an individual may inherit a disease or the possibility of developing one from a biological parent 2. Lifestyle A person's lifestyle may lead fo having NCDs because she/she may have an unhealthy lifestyle, A person can have non- communicable diseases. 3. Enviromental Factors 4. Other Related Factors (Age, Gender, Race) *** NOTES Carcinogens can cause NCDs, more information about NCDs are in the next lecture