* NCDs ** CONTENT *** ALLERGY An allergy is a state of hypersensitivity wherein the body reacts to foods or other substances, Most allergic reactions cannot be prevented. Genetrics plays a big part in this disease, It isnot possible to prevent allergies in the body totallly, but it is possible to avoid subtrances that cause allergic reactions (allergens) **** COMMON ALLERGENS A. Allergens in the enviroment 1. pollen, duust or mold 2. grass 3. strong odor 4. animal dander or feathers 5. smoke B. Food Allergens 1. milk or other dairy products 2. eggs 3. peanuts 4. sea foods The Immune system of the body reacts ot the allergens and causes the body to release chemical substances to fight the "intruders", These chemical substances can alleviate the symptoms of the allergy **** WAYS TO REDUCE 1. Avoid contact with allergens 2. Remove thedst from your home or room 3. Follow your doctor's advice and prescription *** ASTHMA This is a chronic condition in which a person's breathing becomes difficult, Asthma attacks can be triggered by poor air quality, It can also be caused by allergic reactions to irritants and is characterized by periodic episodes of the bronchial muuscles' contractions which restrict air movement, Children with asthma feel llike they are breathing through a nrrow straw, It can also be triggered by smoke, cold air, stress, strenous physical acttivity, or respiratory infections. Asthma can be an inherited disease **** OTHER SYMPTOMS 1. dry cough 2. wheezing sound 3. tightness in the chest 4. difficulty in breathing **** HOW ASTHMA CAN BE CONTROLLED This can be cred, but it can be controlled, Physicians advise people witht asthma to use an inhaler, a device that contains medication. The inhaler eases and widens the air passages, It can provide life-saving help in an emergency *** ARTHRITIS this is a term used to refer to the many different types of joint inflamation, the swelling of the joints usually causes a person to experience difficulty and pain when moving This commonly affectssx elderly people with pain and stiffness, However young children are prone to this condition too, There are several types of arthriitis, One type is probably caused by heredity and if affects children, While it is true that the frequency of arthritis increases with age, about three ouf of five sufferers are under the age of 60 Some forms of arthritis can be treated by physical therapyy, regular exercise and medication to reduce the inflammation of the joints *** CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Cardiovascular diseases are disease of the heart and blood vessels: **** HHYPERTENSION This is a condititon caused by high pressre or tension in the arteries, such that the flow of the blood against the artery walls becomes too much, It is coommonly called high blood pressure, The complication of this disease can cause a variety of health problems, it can damage the arteries, heart, keidneys and brain, High blood pressure can also be fatal, it may increase the possibility of a stroke (brain damage), eye damage and heart attack ***** SYMPTOMS OF HYPERTENSION 1. Headache 2. Dizziness 3. Nausea 4. chest pain 5. shortness of breath 6. blurred vision ***** PREVENTION 1. maintenance of healthy weight 2. eating healthful foods 3. less salt intake in the diet 4. regular physical exercise 5. no smoking 6. managing stress properly 7. taking medications **** STROKE This is a condition in which the brain tissues suddenly die because of lack of oxygen, A person may have a stroke if the blood flow to the brain is blocked or stopped, A person having a stroke needss immediate medical attention and hospitalization ***** SYMPTOMS OF STROKE 1. unexplaiined dizziness 2. numbness of facial muscles 3. dimness of vision or lost of vision 4. slurred or garbled speech 5. paralysis of one-half of the body ***** PREVENTION 1. regulating one's blood pressure 2. having regular exercise 3. maintaining a healthy weight 4. putting plent of fruits and vegetables in the diet 5. avoiding fattyy foods 6. not smoking **** HEART ATTACK A heart attack happens when part of the heart does not receive enogh blood, and the heart is not able to pump well, This disease causes tthe arteries to become so narrow that blood cannot flow as well as it should and apart of the heart muscle dies This is caused by the accumulation of plaques within the arteries. plaques are cased the bild pu of fatty matter, chlloesterol, or calcium within the arteries, The accumulation of plaques in the arteries is bilt over time, The outer part of the plaque is hard, so when its shell crackes the blood clots in the area to stop arterial bleeding. This causse the flow of blood to the heart muscle to stop, thus, blocking the ogygen suupply to the heart. ***** SIGNS 1. acute chest pain 2. shortness of breath 3. profuse sweating 4. nausea 5. jaw ache 6. pains in the shoulder and arms ***** FIGHT The best way to combat this is to avoid it from happening at all, Healthful habits can be started while you are still young, Preventive measuures are important to avoid heart attacks later in your life Follow this and you might survive: 1. Eat a nutritious diet 2. avoid fatty foods 3. Get plently of exercise 4. Maintain an ideal weight 5. Avoid smoking *** CANCER this is a disease in which cells grow uncontrollably, then, attack and affect healthy tisses, A mass of abonrmal cells forms growths that becoome lumps called tumors, A tumor can be malignant or benign. A bengin turmor does not spread in the body, A malignant tumor starts in a single part of the body and can invade healthy tissues, As malignant tumors grow, the many spred and damage otther itssues and organs of the body, Matastasis is tthe spreading of cancer cells to the different parts of the body. These things develop from a normal cell, Thisis commonly caused by viruses, radiation, some chemicals and sometimes, heredity, Harmful subtrances (carcinogens) from the enviroment can vause changes in healthy cells, Cigarette some contains carcinogens that cause lung cancer **** PREVENTING 1. avoid unnecessary expose to harmfl chemicals, sch as insect sprays and solvents 2. follow a balanced diet that is low in fat 3. Eat plenty of friuts, vegetables and whole grain producuts 4. avoid sun overexposure, use protective materials like long sleeves, hats, sunglasses, and sunblock whenever you are under the scorching sun 5. avoid using tobacco 6. avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 7. have a reglar visit to your doctor to detect cancer in its early stages **** TREATING Early detection of cancer is very important, If its warning signs are detected early, there will be greater chnaces that it can be treated successfully A. FACTORS 1. the type of fances 2. where is it located 3. how far it has developed 4. the patient's overall health B. TREATMENTS 1. Surgery - removal of cancerous parts 2. Chemotherapy - special medicines in order to eradicate the cancer 3. Radiation - a powerful kind of treatment thatk ills cancerl cells and shrinks the size of tumors 4. Biological therapy - It aims tto improve the body's own cancer fighting system *** DIABETES Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system that affects the body's ability to se sugar for energy, It is characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood, It is usually caused by the production of too little insulin by the pancreas of the body or the cell's failure tto respond to insulin **** TYPE 1 DIABETES A persoon with type 1 prodces little or no insulin at all, insulin is a hormone produced in tthe pancreas, It helps the body store glucose or sugar, Withoutt insulin, body cells will not be able to uuse glucose for energy, Type 1 diabetes can be controlled with daily insulin shots **** TYPE 2 DIABETES in type 2, The body prodces insulin but doesnt use it properly, it usally strikes people over the age of 40, Bt some studies show that is becoming mroe ccommon among yong children and adolescents, This type of diabetes is associated to aboseity and lack of physical activity, A healthful diet and plenty of exercise can help preventt or control Type 2 diabetes *** URINARY SYSTEM PROBLEMS **** Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Urinary Tract Infection or also known as UTI, is an infection of the urinary tract (kidney, bladder, ureters), It is usualy caused by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites) that enter the body through the urethra, It is more common in women than in men, A person with UTI experiences difficult in urinating and suffers severe pain in the lower back, including the abdomen, The urine has an unpleasant smell and there is presence of blood. The most common treatment prescribe by doctors to patient with UTI are antibiotics or antiviral drugs UTI may be prevented by drinking plenty of water, avoiding salty foods, urinating frequently, avoid tight clothing, and not using harsh detergents in washing clothes, especially underwears **** Kidney Failure Kidney failure is a condition where the body is poisoned because of the inability of the kidney to filter waste products from the blood, As waste products build up in the blood, other body organs may stop functioning, This condition may be caused by infection and diseases such as hypertension or diabetes, Poisonous waste causes the patient's body to swell, Kidney failure can lead to more serious conditions, such as weakened bones, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, anemia, heart failure, and damage to the central nervous system. People who suffer from kidney failure are advised to undergo dialysis. ***** DIALYSIS This is a treatment that does some of the functions performed by healthy kidneys **** HOW TO PREVENT? 1. Drink plenty of water to help eliminate wastes from the body 2. Eat foods that are low in salt and sugar, too much of these substances can damage the kidneys 3. Wear comfortable pants and change your underwear every day 4. Go to the comfort room right away if you feel like you wish to urinate, It is unhealthy to hold back urine. *** AGENCIES AND POLICIES NCDs are also reffered to as "lifestyle diseases", stuff like tobacco use, alcohol abuse, poor diets and physical inactivity increase the likelyhood for you to develop these things. **** WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Since Majorty of thee lifestyle can be prevented, the World Health Organization Food and Agriculture Organization discussed potiential measures to stagnate and reverse the problem and to curb the causes of NCDs **** GLOBAL NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASE NETWORK (NCD NET) The Global Noncommunicable Disease Network (NCD NET) was launched in order to improve coordinating efforts worldwide, NCD net consists of leader health organizations and specialists around the world that are involved in fighting NCDs **** OTHER AGENCIES The NCD Alliance and the Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network (YP CDN) are other global organizations which are composed of associations and young professionals from around the world, These two organizations aim to is to fight non communicable diseases by taking actions against social injustice caused by NCDs