* POLYNOMIALS ** OBJECTIVES - Classify polynomials and write polynomials in standard form ** VOCALBULARY |---------------------+-------------------------------| | monomial | quadratic | | binomial | cubic | | trinomial | degree of a polynomial | | polynomial | degree of a monomial | | leading coeffecient | standard form of a polynomial | |---------------------+-------------------------------| ** CONTENT *** MONOMIAL A monomial is a number, variable or product of numbers and variables with whole-number exponents and there should be no variables in the denominator |--------------------+--------------------------| | Monomials | Not Monomials | | 5x -7xy 0.5x^4 | 0.3x^-2 4x -y 2/x^3 | |--------------------+--------------------------| The degree of a monomial is the SUM of the exponents of the variables. A constant has a degree of 0. To explain this in the simpliest form i can think of, Monomials are just equations that ARENT negative. *** POLYNOMIAL A polynomial is a monomial, a sum or difference of monomials There are different kinds of polynomials based on their degree and the number of terms Terms: stuff that's seperated by a sign (+, -) **** DEGREE OF A POLYNOMIAL AND HOW TO FIND IT The degree of a polynomial is the degree of the term with the greatest degree in order to find the degree of a polynomial, just find the greatest between the two terms, for example: (11x^7 + 3x^3) (11x^[7] + 3x^[3]) |________| | compare these children compare the two exponents, find the biggest between and that will be your degree, but if you have something like this: (x^3 x^4 + x^2 x^3 + 2) add the exponents and compare: (x^3 x^4 + x^2 x^3 + 2) |___| |___| | | | | 7 5 0 the biggest sum is your degree, in this case, its 7 **** STANDARD FORM OF A POLYNOMIAL This is where you arrange the polynomials by degree; if you want a complicated explanation, here is it; "The terms of a polynomial may be written in any order, However polynomials that contain only one variable are usually written in STANDARD FORM The standard form of a polynomial that contains one variable is written with the terms in order from the greatest degree to the least degree, When written in standard form, the coefficient of the FIRST TERM is called the LEADING COEFFICIENT" - that slide that i copied the source from but whatever i credit it HDS, also look im trying to follow my lessons in english but fail to understand my existence in the process An example of a polynomial written in standard form is this: (-7x^5 + 4x^2 + 6x + 9) |___| |__| | | | | | | 5 2 1 0 '' Gomen for the horrible diagram x **** MONOMIAL The monomial has been explained previously but to atleast remind you, it has 1 term only **** BINOMIAL A binomial has 2 terms **** TRINOMIAL A trinomial has 3 terms **** MULTINOMIAL A multinomial has more than 3 terms