* MULTIPLICATION OF POLYNOMAILS ** CONTENT *** MONOMIAL BY MONOMIAL There are atleast 3-4 steps that you need to follow just to multiply monomials by monomials, The example that I will be using is going to be one we will solve (2x^2y) * (6x^3y^2) STEP 1: Use the commutative Property of Multiplication, and solve the coefficients first (2 * 6)(x^2 y * x^3 y^2) = (12)(x^2 y * x^3 y^2) STEP 2: Apply the product rule from the laws of exponents lecture, read L53GPMTH for more information about it. (12)(x^2 y * x^3 y^2) = (12)(x^2+3 y^1+2) = (12)(x^5 y^3) STEP 3: Multiply/Simplify (12x^5y^3) *** MONOMIAL BY BINOMIAL/TRINOMIAL This will be the example equation that will be used for this lecture notes thing: (-4a^3)(a^2 + 7) STEP 1: Apply the distributive property and multiply the coefficients, if there are variables, do ignore them and just copy them after you got the product, as for the exponents, the product rule applies here. (-4a^3)(a^2 + 7) = (-4a^3 * a^2)(4a^3 * 7) = (-4a^5)(28a^3) This concept applies when it comes to monomials multiplied to trinomials, (3u^2v^3)(u^2 + v^2 - 5) = (3u^2v^3 * u^2) (3u^2v^3 * v^2) (3u^2v^3 * -5) = (3u^4v^3) + (3u^2v^5) - (15u^2v^3) = (3u^4v^3 + 3u^2v^5 - 15u^2v^3) *** BINOMIAL BY BINOMIAL Honestly, this is my favorite technique, Though before i introduce it, I would like to note that there are different ways of multiplying binomials by binomials, one of them is using the distributive property of multiplication, but in this notes file, ill use the FOIL method: F O I L | | | | First Outer Inner Last Terms Terms Terms Terms So how do you use this? well take a look at this equation and the graphing that i wrote for it L F | | _____ ____|__ | | | | | (x + 2)(x + 3) | |__|---|--> I |__________| | O I literally wasted 10 minutes arranging this, so you better appreciate this section, anyways, what FOIL does is seperating all these terms into four parts, if you list what the graph is trying to identify, you will get this: F O I L (x * x) + (x * 3) + (2 * x) + (2 * 3) What do you do with this then? Multiply and simplify them! (x^2) + (3x) + (2x) + (6) = (x^2) + (5x) + (6) = (x^2 + 5x + 6) <--- this is the final answer And that's how you solve binomials by binomials *** TRINOMIAL BY TRINOMIAL *** BINOMIAL BY TRINOMIAL