* ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS ** TYPES OF INTERACTION *** Competition - is a type of interaction that occurs when a number of organisms compete for a limited resource such as food, space, and mates, This may result in the extinction of either one of the species - however, competition occurs not only among different species, it can also happen among organisms that belong to the same species and is called INRASPECIFIC COMPETITION - The compeition between different species is called INTERSPECIFIC COMPEITION *** PREDATION - is a type of interaction wherein one organism [predator] feeds on another organism [prey], - Examples: lion hunting a deer, a preying mantis hunting a cricket *** MUTUALISM - involves two organisms in which one parasite benefits from the other [host], The parasite commonly lives in the host's body and gains nutrients from it in a period of time. - NOTE: The host is often harmed in the process *** COMMENSALISM - happens when one species benefits while the other is not significantly affected - EXAMPLE: an egret eating insects on the buffalo, while the buffalo is just peacefully living their life away *** AMENSALISM - In amanesalism, one species harms another, but it itself isnt affected - EXAMPLE: a black walnut releasing toxins but its not affected, while the others are