* FOOD CHAIN ** CONTENT *** TROPIC LEVELS ----> |----------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------| | Producer | First order consumer | Second order consumer | Third order consumer | |----------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------| | one that produces | one that eats the | one that eats the first | The final consumer | | uses the most energy | producer | order consumer | | |----------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------| *** FOOD CHAIN The food chain is a path of flowing energy, the sequence of organisms through which the energy flows, is known as the food chain. *** FOOD WEB If the food chain consists of only 1 path of flowing energy where producer consumes the most energy while the final consumer barely uses anything, the food web takes the chain to the next level and complicates everything and what i mean complicated, the web consists of multiple food chains intersecting, we are also part of this web cult. If not, i wonder if we would still be existing right now.x