MECHANICS AND MOTION ** CONTENT *** MECHANICS Mechanics is the study of an object's state of motion and the forces acting upon it *** MOTION Motion is the change of position with respect to a frame of reference or reference point It is also defined as the change in positon for a paritcular time interval *** REFERENCE POINT The reference point is the starting point or the origin for measuring motion **** TYPES OF MOTION 1. Vibratory Motion This is the movement of things that are vibrating, Examples of this are Rubber bands and Speakers vibrating to sound 2. Rectilinear Motion This is the movement along a straight line or path, A good example of this is a runner running in a straight track 3. Curvilinear Motion This is the movement along a curved path or line, an example of this is a basketball being thrown in a hoop 4. Oscillatory Motion This is where a movement is being repeated over and over again, an example of this is a pendulum swinging 5. Circular Motion This is a movement that follows along a circular track, An example of this is a satelite revolving around earth. 6. Rotatory Motion This is where something is moving on a fixed axis, An example would be a ceiling fan or your everyday electric fan that you use to cool yourself up when the AC isnt available or you're trying to save electricty **** TYPES OF QUANTITIES 1. Scalar Quantity The scalar quantity only consists of the magnitute List: Length Area Volume Speed Mass Density Pressure Temperature Energy Entropy Work Power 2. Vectory Quantity The vectory quantity consists of the magnitute and the direction of the certain thing or object List: Displacement Velocity Acceleration Momentum Force Lift Drag Thrust Weight