Motion - Involves movement or a change in the position of a thing or a body. - You need the energy to move - Change in position concerning a frame of reference or reference point. - Change in position for a particular time interval Tbxbypes of Motion A. Vibratory Motion - Movement of things that are vibrating Ex: Rubber band, speakers B. Rectilinear Motion - Motion along a straight line/ straight path Ex: A runner running in a straight track C. Curvilinear motion - Motion along a curved path Ex: When you shoot a basketball into a hoop. D. Oscillatory Motion - Movement that is happening repeated E Circular Motion - Motion along a circular path Ex: Satelite around the earth F. Rotatory Motion - Movement along a Fixed Axis Ex: A ceiling fan Reference Point - Starting point or the origin for measuring motion. Mechanics - The study of an object's state of motion and the forces acting upon it. Two types of Mechanics Kinematics - deals with the description of motion without regard to the forces acting on the object. Dynamics - is concerned with how the state of motion is affected by the forces acting upon the object Scalars & Vectors Scalars - Has magnitude only - Examples of Scalar quantities are Distance, mass, temperature, time, length, area, volume, mass, density, pressure, energy, entropy, work, power, and speed. Ex: 20m/s Vectors - Has magnitude and direction - Examples of Vector quantities are Velocity, displacement, acceleration, momentum, force, lift, drag, and thrust. Ex: 20m/s, right