Hair Rebonding is really weird I don't give a shit about beauty, as long as i look _.._ decent, I'll be fine, There's nothing much to really .' .-'` worry about, a simple hot oil won't hurt you in / / any way possible, not at all. | | \ '.___.; I thought that this would be quick, It'll only take 30 '._ _.' minutes or less, but no, not really, it was much longer than that, it didn't take me 2 hours, no, it was 5 hours, all of that because my hair was being rebonded for the first time at a measly cheap but also expensive price What's more hilarious is I thought it will just curl up my hair more instead of straightening it, my little knowledge towards hair and how rebonds work made me get into this stupid mess in the first place, If only I asked how the entire thing goes, I wouldn't be stuck in this position now Atleast in the end i look good, But I gotta admit, I look like an emo person :|