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       hi this is my gopherhole
       i'm ben. i created tilde.team and help to coordinate stuff for the tildevers
       if you'd like to get in touch, i'm on irc all the time as ben on 
 (DIR) tilde.chat
       and libera.chat
 (HTM) my https tildepage
       i'm not sure what to put here, but it's going to be cool
       here's some stuff:
 (DIR) ..                                                                         
 (DIR) blog                                           2023-Nov-29 21:53        -  
 (DIR) feels                                          2019-Jul-24 20:54        -  
 (DIR) phlog                                          2018-Jul-20 03:24        -  
 (DIR) test                                           2020-May-27 18:31        -  
 (DIR) time                                           2019-Jul-31 15:07        -  
 (DIR) txt                                            2022-Jun-17 14:30        -  
 (DIR) whoami                                         2019-Jul-31 15:08        -  
 (TXT) exyrty.txt                                     2022-Jun-21 15:12     0.1 KB
 (TXT) namxmw.txt                                     2022-Jun-17 14:29     0.1 KB
 (TXT) nice.txt                                       2018-Nov-08 01:50     0.0 KB
 (HTM) something.html                                 2019-Dec-30 06:30     0.4 KB
 (TXT) something.txt                                  2020-Sep-30 13:53     0.0 KB
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