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       Hello ~verse and ~pink
       I am g1n. I am interested in unix-based operation systems, programing and ti
       You can find me on a lot of tildes, but my main is tilde.team
       and gemini/gopher is tilde.pink
       I am using Emacs with EVIL (maybe one day I will go only Emacs: EXWM, notmuc
       My current distribution is Arch Linux. Also I am setupping my Linux From Scr
       It is my gopher page
 (DIR) Main blog
 (TXT) twtxt
 (DIR) Phlog
 (???) Gemlog
 (DIR) Some cgi scripts
 (DIR) Some interesting gemini/gopher resources
 (DIR) Books that I would like to read
 (DIR) Go back to tilde.team
                              Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64