       April 16th, 2019
       tarot is a scheme compiler
       it is written in scheme (1917 lines)
       it runs on top of a virtual machine
       the virtual machine is written in C (2036 lines)
       it can compile itself
       it takes 14 seconds to self host
       single_cream is a scheme interpreter
       it is written in C (1705 lines)
       it has supporting code and a standard library in scheme (691 lines)
       it can run tarot
       it takes 1 min 40 seconds to bootstrap tarot
       it can run on top of linux or asmc, https://gitlab.com/giomasce/asmc
       it can execute minikanren, jbob and the tarot compiler.
       $ wc -l tarot/src/*c
        1705 src/sch3.c
       $ wc -l tarot/src/*scm
         221 src/init.scm
         358 src/preprocessor.scm
         112 src/std.scm
         691 total
       $ linecount tarot-compiler/ '*.scm'
       $ linecount tarot-vm '*.c'
                              Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64