       We Have to Laugh...
       March 10th, 2020
       I have a collection of rapidly aging Macs in my basement.  I'll say more about
       my collection and my over 20 year fascination with the Mac, but for now I'll 
       stick to a story about one that revealed something surprising tonight.
       A few months ago, I bought a Power Computing Power Center Pro 240 on eBay for
       a fairly good price.  It was in working condition and was in surprisingly good
       cosmetic condition considering this is a machine that last sold over 20 years
       ago.  I had a thing for these machines back in the day, because at the time
       Power Computing  built cheaper, better, faster Macs than Apple, and did so 
       with an irreverent style and hyped-up marketing.
       The Power Center Pro was a beast in its day - built to compete with Apple's
       PowerMac 8000 and 9000 series - and the one I picked up on eBay allowed me
       to check off my list  another Mac I wish I could have owned  way back when.
       Needless to say, I was excited to get at it.  
       The first night, I set it up and quickly determined that the 9 GB IBM SCSI
       hard drive inside was a door-stop.  Since 50-pin SCSI drives go for more than
       I paid for this machine and the Power Center Pro has no onboard IDE connection,
       I decided to drop in my prized Sonnet Tempo IDE card and the only IDE drive I
       had available, one I had removed from another machine.  That drive lasted about
       4 hours before it gave up the ghost.  Back to the drawing board...
       I then tried to setup a CD-IDE card adaptor on the Tempo card - try as I might
       for hours, I had no luck getting the Power Center to recognize the adaptor or
       the CF card sitting in it.  Tonight, I rummaged around my parts collection 
       and found another drive which, much to my delight, fired up and took on an
       installation of the Mac System 7.6 without issue.  While I had the machine
       open, I was even able to replace the ludicrously noisy CPU fan with a larger,
       quieter one I had in the same parts bin - BONUS!  
       For the next few hours, I wrestled with getting a few key pieces of software
       installed that would allow this old beast to connect to another Mac on my 
       home network.  It was a pickle - there were two software updates that were
       sitting on an external Firewire hard drive that would do the trick... but 
       the Power Center doesn't have USB or Firewire.  After a number of hacks, I
       figured out a way to get what I needed moved over to the Power Center, and
       I thought I was home free.  Just as I was making the last file transfer I
       would need, the Power Center froze up.  One reboot was all it took to 
       show that, you guessed it, yet another hard drive had quit.
       I titled this post, "We Have to Laugh".  My aunt likes to follow that lead,
       with "or else we'll cry." Tonight was a night like that.   Normally, after
       a night like tonight, I'd be angry, annoyed, disheartened.  Tonight, I
       could only laugh, and wonder if maybe something inside had changed.      
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