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         (__  ) __/ /_/ / /  / ,< / /_/ / 
        /____/_/  \____/_/  /_/|_|\__,_/  
       Welcome! This is my gopher page. I unfortunately don't how to do much with these yet, so I'm not likely to have as much of it on here.
       However I'll try to add more to it in the future
       For now, check out my http site (https://tilde.team/~sforka).
 (DIR) back to tilde.team
 (DIR) ..                                                                         
 (DIR) blog                                           2021-Jun-02 11:19        -  
 (DIR) phlog                                          2021-May-07 16:49        -  
                              Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64